Participation in Census at School, by province and territory


Elementary Secondary All students Percentage of Students
Canada 14005 3046 17051 100.0
N.L. 39 0 39 0.2
P.E.I. 54 0 54 0.3
N.S. 850 60 910 5.3
N.B. 84 98 182 1.1
Que. 287 340 627 3.7
Ont. 9868 1514 11382 66.8
Man. 100 74 174 1.0
Sask. 493 198 691 4.1
Alta. 1412 588 2000 11.7
B.C. 778 152 930 5.5
Nunavut 0 0 0 0.0
N.W.T. 19 22 41 0.2
Yukon 21 0 21 0.1


Source: Census at School Canada, 2015-2016