Do you have big feet?

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Let’s ask this in a nicer way:

Does foot size increase with height and do boys have bigger feet than girls?
Let’s use some data from Census at School to find out.

On page 2, there is a table using data on height, foot size and gender. These data were taken from 60 randomly selected student records in the UK database.

  • Draw a scatter graph with the X axis representing foot length and the Y axis showing height. (X scale from 14 to 30 , Y scale from 110 to 190)
  • Mark boys and girls with different symbols or in different colours on your graph.
  • Don’t forget to give a title to the graph and label the axes and add a key.

Graphic - Scatter graph of foot size against height

After admiring your handiwork try looking carefully at your graph and write a few conclusions.

  • Can you identify any students who have particularly big or small feet for their height?
  • Are there differences between boys and girls? What are they?
  • Do the taller students have bigger feet?
  • Is there positive, negative or no correlation?
  • Can you draw in a line of best fit?

Think of some questions of your own to ask as well.

Pupil no. Gender Height Foot
1 F 160 25
2 M 111 15
3 F 160 23
4 F 152 23.5
5 F 146 24
6 F 157 24
7 M 136 21
8 F 143 23
9 M 147 20
10 M 133 20
11 F 153 25
12 M 148 23
13 M 125 20
14 F 150 20
15 M 183 28
16 M 184 25
17 M 125 18
18 F 140 20
19 M 170 27.5
20 F 168 25.5
21 M 131 23
22 M 149 23
23 F 156 21
24 F 130 19.5
25 F 142 22
26 F 159 24
27 F 145 21.5
28 F 162 25
29 M 149 22
30 F 169 24.5
31 M 126 20
32 M 150 24
33 M 170 26
34 F 141 21
35 F 123 20
36 F 122 19
37 M 125 20
38 F 133 20
39 M 165 25
40 F 131 20
41 F 134 17
42 M 158 25
43 F 170 25
44 F 125 15
45 F 135 21
46 F 138 19
47 M 134 20.5
48 M 145 22
49 F 171 25
50 F 181 24
51 F 139 19.5
52 M 147 25
53 M 134 19
54 F 164 24
55 M 127 19.5
56 F 138 23
57 M 180 24
58 M 159 26
59 F 151 23.5
60 M 165 29

How does this data compare with your own class data?

Reproduced with permission from CensusAtSchool – U.K.

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