Category Archives: Grades 4 to 8

Canada recycles! Do you?

Construct bar graphs then draw conclusions about how people are helping the environment, using data from your class and from a survey of Canadian households Continue reading

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The Vitruvian theory-does it apply to you?

Verify the famous theory illustrated by Leonardo Da Vinci-that armspan is equal to height-for a sample of students from your class. Continue reading

Posted in Grades 4 to 8, Learning Activities | Tagged , , |

You are the researcher!

Decide on an interesting question to research using your class results. See examples of student work. Continue reading

Posted in Grades 4 to 8, Learning Activities | Tagged |

How tall will you be?

Predict your adult height using today’s height. Continue reading

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Just how old are you?

Have fun discovering your age in different units of time: minutes, days, months. Continue reading

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Role models and heroes

These activities on the study of heroes can apply to thematic units, social studies or history, as well as the development of language and critical thinking skills. Continue reading

Posted in Grades 4 to 8, Learning Activities |

How many people live in a Canadian household?

Investigate differences between mean median and mode. Continue reading

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How weird is our class?

Compare your class data to a sample of Canadian results and draw some conclusions. Continue reading

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Survey says? Who says?

Consider what information you can or cannot conclude from a survey. Continue reading

Posted in Grades 4 to 8, Learning Activities | Tagged |

Circle and bar graphs

Construct circle and bar graphs and compare them. Which type is better to use? Continue reading

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