Number of people in your household

Number of people in your household
Number of people Elementary Secondary
Girls Boys Girls Boys
1 0.01 . 0.54 0.17
2 2.98 3.14 4.55 5.13
3 13.55 14.67 16.86 17.56
4 40.59 41.50 39.73 39.35
5 26.46 24.29 23.94 23.69
6 10.22 10.12 9.31 7.93
7 3.71 3.31 2.54 3.57
8 1.42 1.58 1.18 1.49
9 0.53 0.59 0.47 0.35
10 or more 0.54 0.80 0.89 0.76
. No one answered in this category.
Census at School – Canada 2004/05.