What are your plans for the year after high school? (secondary only)

What are your plans for the year after high school?
Plan Girls Boys
University 59.66 51.08
Community college 10.44 10.94
CEGEP1 7.71 5.56
Travel 5.77 4.56
CEGEP1 followed by university 5.77 3.88
Get a job 4.25 8.06
Learn a trade or get vocational training 1.49 4.91
Technical institute 0.32 1.68
Other 4.60 9.33
Secondary students only, grades 9 to 12 (sec. 3 to 5 in Quebec).
1. CEGEP is an option only in Quebec. It is equivalent to both community college and the years just before university.
Source: Census at School – Canada, 2004/05.