Participants in Census at School, by age

Age (years) Girls Boys All students Proportion of participants
Number of students %
7 and younger 4 5 9 0.0
8 57 65 122 0.5
9 529 536 1,065 4.2
10 1,089 1,139 2,228 8.8
11 1,648 1,652 3,300 13.0
12 3,135 3,045 6,180 24.4
13 3,310 3,212 6,522 25.8
14 1,343 1,172 2,515 9.9
15 432 394 826 3.3
16 337 344 681 2.7
17 728 685 1,413 5.6
18 167 230 397 1.6
19 15 23 38 0.2
Source: Statistics Canada, Census at School, 2008/2009.