Importance of having access to the Internet, by age

Age (years) Girls Boys All students
average score on 1,000
8 440.9 562.0 502.8
9 402.9 514.3 455.9
10 442.9 551.9 497.4
11 489.4 559.5 524.7
12 564.1 613.9 588.6
13 645.7 678.4 661.9
14 669.7 722.3 694.3
15 679.6 717.4 698.2
16 747.5 711.7 728.0
17 748.7 748.6 748.6
18 729.6 725.0 727.0
19 749.6 681.2 698.3
Source: Statistics Canada, Census at School, 2010/2011.