Importance of conserving energy, by age


Age Girls Boys All Students
Average score out of 1000 Average score out of 1000 Average score out of 1000
8 693.40 719.88 709.69
9 705.79 618.24 664.32
10 677.80 661.84 670.12
11 662.49 650.21 656.35
12 645.80 622.92 634.84
13 595.14 588.29 591.71
14 570.51 521.28 545.43
15 538.10 468.90 504.24
16 561.52 513.92 538.50
17 559.87 561.97 560.85
18 601.83 538.29 567.21
19 718.70 480.65 552.79

Source: Census at School Canada, 2012-2013