Importance of having access to the Internet, by age


Age Girls Boys All Students
Average score out of 1000 Average score out of 1000 Average score out of 1000
8 489.30 515.94 505.69
9 455.50 555.15 502.70
10 447.47 557.23 500.26
11 512.44 584.99 548.77
12 566.61 608.04 586.46
13 630.89 651.71 641.30
14 644.16 671.84 658.26
15 691.26 714.78 702.76
16 679.87 724.24 701.33
17 737.03 732.22 734.80
18 762.09 714.74 736.30
19 651.30 801.22 755.79

Source: Census at School Canada, 2012-2013