Memory game

Age Average time to complete the memory game, by age
Girls Boys All Students
8 49.70 64.00 58.50
9 56.24 57.93 57.04
10 53.65 55.50 54.54
11 50.74 53.36 52.05
12 47.44 51.39 49.33
13 45.38 50.00 47.69
14 43.19 47.38 45.33
15 41.98 45.35 43.63
16 40.08 43.11 41.54
17 40.73 42.25 41.44
18 42.92 40.23 41.46
19 39.90 63.39 56.27

Source: Census at School Canada, 2012-2013


Age Average interval of time to complete the memory game, by age
Less than 30 seconds 30 to 44 seconds 45 to 59 seconds 60 seconds or more
% % % %
8 3.85 19.23 30.77 46.15
9 0.72 25.12 40.43 33.73
10 1.65 28.38 40.91 29.06
11 2.29 34.58 39.42 23.72
12 3.34 42.15 35.47 19.03
13 5.14 46.89 32.06 15.91
14 7.64 52.28 27.88 12.20
15 8.58 55.36 26.12 9.94
16 8.64 60.05 24.77 6.54
17 12.27 56.03 24.12 7.58
18 12.45 56.42 24.51 6.61
19 9.09 63.64 9.09 18.18

Source: Census at School Canada, 2012-2013