Importance of recycling our rubbish, by age


Age Girls Boys All Students
Average score out of 1000 Average score out of 1000 Average score out of 1000
8 537.10 526.56 530.62
9 693.39 605.07 651.55
10 657.23 635.51 646.79
11 656.45 643.94 650.19
12 637.78 587.36 613.62
13 580.33 548.79 564.55
14 571.66 519.33 545.01
15 569.11 469.40 520.33
16 537.89 470.40 505.25
17 535.46 509.38 523.35
18 574.71 496.02 531.84
19 750.30 427.96 525.64

Source: Census at School Canada, 2012-2013.