What do you usually eat for breakfast?


Elementary Secondary
Girls Boys All Students Girls Boys All Students
% % % % % %
Grain products 70.7 73.0 71.8 61.2 65.1 63.1
Milk products 42.5 46.3 44.4 37.5 44.8 41.1
Fruit and vegetables 27.4 21.1 24.4 30.3 20.3 25.4
Meat and alternatives 18.1 24.0 20.9 16.7 25.5 21.0
Other 11.9 12.2 12.1 14.5 15.3 14.9
No breakfast 12.2 8.7 10.5 21.5 17.8 19.7


Source: Census at School Canada, 2015-2016