These data were collected as part of an international educational project. Schools participated voluntarily and were not part of a representative sample of the school population.
The survey was answered by 10,366 elementary and secondary students across Canada during the 2018/2019 school year. The elementary category includes grades 4 to 8 (secondary 2 in Quebec) and the secondary category includes grades 9 to 12 (secondary 3 to 5 in Quebec).
Two questionnaires were used, one for elementary and the other for secondary students. Each questionnaire contains some questions that are specific to elementary or secondary students only.
Note that percentages may not add to 100 due to rounding.
Summary results for Canada, 2018/2019
- Average height, by age
- In how many languages can you hold an everyday conversation?
- Average length of foot, by age
- What colour are your eyes? (elementary students only)
- Do you have any allergies? (elementary students only)
- What do you usually eat for breakfast?
- Right-handed, left-handed or ambidextrous?
- Average reaction time, by age and dominant hand
- How many cigarettes a week do you usually smoke?
- How much pressure do you feel because of schoolwork?
- In what sport or activity do you most enjoy participating?
- How many days last week did you do an intense physical activity?
- How do you usually travel to school?
- How long does it usually take you to travel to school?
- What is your favourite subject?
- Why do you think some kids bully others?
- Which of the following pets do you have?
- Which method do you use most often to communicate with friends?
- If you had $1,000 to donate to charity, what type of organization would you choose?
- How many people usually live in your household?
- Does your household participate in the following environmental practices?
- Primarily what type of water do you drink at home?
- Importance of reducing pollution, by age
- Importance of recycling our rubbish, by age
- Importance of conserving water, by age
- Importance of conserving energy, by age
- Importance of owning a computer, by age
- Importance of having access to the Internet, by age
- Memory game
- Average arm span, by age
- Whom do you look up to?
- Participation in Census at School, by age
- Average wrist circumference, by age
- Average length of forearm, by age