Memory game

Average time to complete the memory game, by age

 Age Girls Boys All students
  Seconds Seconds Seconds
8 or younger 50.1 61.7 55.2
9 63.1 65.4 64.2
10 58.2 60.2 59.1
11 52.4 54.7 53.5
12 49.2 51.5 50.3
13 47.5 50.7 49.1
14 46.5 48.1 47.2
15 44.0 45.8 44.8
16 44.5 43.8 44.2
17 41.9 46.5 44.2
18 46.2 46.4 46.3
19 or older 48.3 67.3 57.1


Interval of time in seconds to complete the memory game, by age

 Age Less than 30 seconds 30 to 44 seconds 45 to 59 seconds 60 seconds or more
  % % % %
8 or younger 0.0 18.8 43.8 37.5
9 0.0 10.1 39.4 50.5
10 0.6 21.4 39.0 39.0
11 1.3 28.3 43.8 26.6
12 2.5 36.9 39.9 20.6
13 3.4 40.9 38.2 17.5
14 4.3 45.7 36.9 13.1
15 6.2 51.5 30.9 11.4
16 7.3 50.8 32.4 9.5
17 8.1 53.5 27.9 10.5
18 8.7 46.6 34.0 10.7
19 or older 7.7 46.2 0.0 46.2

Source: Census at School Canada, 2018-2019