Do you have allergies?

Do you have allergies?
  Girls Boys
% with allergies
Alberta 36 27
British Columbia 36 35
Manitoba 27 27
New Brunswick 43 37
Newfoundland and Labrado 36 32
Nova Scotia 38 32
Nunavut 13 14
Ontario 33 31
Prince Edward Island 38 42
Quebec 34 28
Saskatchewan 29 28
Northwest Territories 22 60
Yukon 71 33
Elementary students only, grades 4 to 8 (secondary 2 in Quebec).
Please interpret figures for the territories with caution because of the small number of primary respondents (30 in Nunavut, 19 in the Northwest Territories and 13 in the Yukon).
Source: Census at School – Canada, 2004/05.