How many times were you bullied at school in the last year?

How many times were you bullied at school in the last year?
  Number of times
0 1 to 3 4 to 9 10 or more
Alberta 48 29 8 15
British Columbia 58 24 7 10
Manitoba 55 28 7 10
New Brunswick 52 30 7 10
Newfoundland and Labrado 57 24 8 10
Nova Scotia 57 25 7 11
Nunavut 47 29 4 20
Ontario 60 25 6 9
Prince Edward Island 59 24 7 9
Quebec 71 20 4 6
Saskatchewan 48 31 9 12
Northwest Territories 53 42 5 .
Yukon 46 31 15 8
Percentages may not total 100% because of rounding.
Please interpret figures for the territories with caution because of the small number of respondents (45 in Nunavut, 19 in the Northwest Territories and 13 in the Yukon).
.No one answered in this category.
Source: Census at School – Canada, 2004/05.