What colour are your eyes?

Province Eye colour
Blue Brown Green Other
N.L. 41.57 30.34 19.78 8.31
P.E.I. 43.42 27.63 23.03 5.92
N.S. 39.67 30.22 15.98 14.13
N.B. 33.94 39.50 18.36 8.19
Que. 21.39 53.65 12.37 12.58
Ont. 24.73 50.94 12.28 12.06
Man. 28.57 42.49 14.16 14.78
Sask. 30.64 40.04 15.04 14.29
Alta. 29.95 42.75 16.10 11.19
B.C. 25.10 52.14 12.31 10.45
Note: There were too few participants in the territories to publish any figures.
Source: Census at School – Canada, 2005/2006.