If you had $1,000 to give to charity, which type would you choose?

Province Charity type
Health International aid Wildlife/
Arts, culture, sports Other1
N.L. 28.76 13.93 21.12 17.75 18.42
P.E.I. 35.53 10.53 17.11 18.42 18.43
N.S. 33.59 11.30 21.52 13.48 20.10
N.B. 33.28 11.34 13.09 19.75 22.53
Que. 34.13 16.54 12.07 13.91 23.36
Ont. 32.19 17.72 16.56 12.55 20.99
Man. 26.85 16.13 21.80 13.79 21.43
Sask. 31.77 12.22 22.37 16.92 16.73
Alta. 28.44 14.72 23.67 13.39 19.77
B.C. 30.92 17.37 21.94 10.36 19.40
Note: There were too few participants in the territories to publish any figures.
1. Includes environment, education and youth development, and religious.
Source: Census at School – Canada, 2005/2006.