What do you think is the most important issue facing young Canadians today?

Province Issue
Environ-ment Economy Migration/
Health Unem-ployment Other
N.L. 7.69 23.08 1.92 38.46 23.08 5.77
P.E.I. 9.80 1.96 1.96 49.02 19.61 17.65
N.S. 14.64 7.95 4.18 32.64 20.08 20.50
N.B. 11.46 13.60 1.64 45.47 10.96 16.88
Que. 19.67 13.74 3.76 35.94 7.52 19.38
Ont. 12.63 9.44 3.88 33.50 18.50 22.04
Man. 11.97 5.63 1.41 37.32 17.61 26.06
Sask. 13.02 8.88 1.78 48.52 12.43 15.38
Alta. 13.22 4.13 2.48 38.84 15.70 25.62
B.C. 12.80 7.40 3.20 39.80 13.00 23.80
Notes: Secondary students only.
There were too few participants in the territories to publish any figures.
Source: Census at School – Canada, 2005/2006.