Participation in Census at School, by province and territory

Province and territory Elementary Secondary All students Proportion of participants
number of students %
Canada 25,586 6,374 31,960 100
N.L. 393 52 445 1.39
P.E.I. 101 51 152 0.48
N.S. 681 239 920 2.88
N.B. 573 794 1,367 4.28
Que. 1,931 1,383 3,314 10.37
Ont. 15,604 2,913 18,517 57.94
Man. 670 142 812 2.54
Sask. 363 169 532 1.66
Alta. 2,059 121 2,180 6.82
B.C. 3,137 500 3,637 11.38
Y.T. 74 10 84 0.26
Source: Census at School – Canada, 2005/2006.