What gadgets do you have?

  Computer Internet Calculator MP3 player Cell phone Pager
N.L. 93.2 91.9 82.0 87.2 54.4 15.4
N.S. 91.5 89.3 83.7 80.8 41.1 9.3
N.B. 88.0 82.6 81.1 77.0 28.5 20.1
Que. 92.1 90.1 88.7 80.5 27.5 14.2
Ont. 93.0 90.5 90.2 79.5 35.4 9.9
Man. 81.7 76.7 78.2 71.1 26.3 6.4
Sask. 88.3 85.0 82.1 81.9 33.3 8.0
Alta. 90.3 88.1 80.3 74.9 33.4 9.8
B.C. 90.0 88.4 82.7 74.0 31.9 7.5
Notes: There were too few responses in Prince Edward Island and in the territories to publish results. Items appear in order of importance for all students.
Source: Statistics Canada, Census at School, 2006/2007.