Participation in Census at school, by province and territory

  Elementary Secondary All students Percentage of participants
  number of students %
Canada 22,362 7,994 30,356 100.0
N.L. 329 38 367 1.2
P.E.I. 105 63 168 0.6
N.S. 514 476 990 3.3
N.B. 240 349 589 1.9
Que. 1531 1,271 2,802 9.2
Ont. 14,530 4,493 19,023 62.7
Man. 348 278 626 2.1
Sask. 419 161 580 1.9
Alta. 2,450 581 3,031 10.0
B.C. 1,797 268 2,065 6.8
Y.T. 73 1 73 0.2
N.W.T 13 1 13 1
Nvt. 13 16 29 0.1
1. No one answered in this category.
Source: Statistics Canada, Census at School, 2007/2008.