Participation in Census at school, by province and territory

  Elementary Secondary All students Percentage of participants
  number of students %
Canada 19,837 5,459 25,296 100.0
N.L. 24 0 24 0.1
P.E.I. 6 0 6 0.0
N.S. 460 355 815 3.2
N.B. 205 118 323 1.3
Que. 1,748 1,032 2,780 11.0
Ont. 13,171 2,760 15,931 63.0
Man. 567 325 892 3.5
Sask. 331 73 404 1.6
Alta. 2,242 518 2,760 10.9
B.C. 1,050 259 1,309 5.2
Y.T. 17 19 36 0.1
N.W.T 16 0 16 0.1
Nvt. 0 0 0 0.0
Source: Statistics Canada, Census at School, 2008/2009.