These tables (except table 1) group the following provinces and territories into the “Other” category because of low participation:
- Newfoundland and Labrador
- Prince Edward Island
- Yukon
- Northwest Territories
This year, there were no participants from Nunavut.
In each table, the “Total” represents all the students that responded to the survey.
In Census at School, the percentage of participants by province is not proportional to the percentage of the Canadian population in those provinces. To calculate statistics that are representative of the Canadian population, you need to do weighting.
Note that percentages may not add to 100 due to rounding.
- Participation in Census at School, by province and territory
- In how many languages can you hold an everyday conversation?
- Right-handed, left-handed or ambidextrous?
- How do you usually travel to school?
- How long does it usually take you to travel to school?
- Which method do you use most often to communicate with friends?
- How important are the following issues to you?
- How many people usually live in your household?
- Does your household participate in the following environmental practices?
- Primarily what type of water do you drink at home?
- What do you usually eat for breakfast?
- In what sport or activity do you most enjoy participating (regrouped activities)
- What is your favourite subject?
- Why do you think some kids bully others?
- Memory game
- How many books are there in your home?