Participation in Census at School, by province and territory

  Elementary Secondary All students All students Canadian population, July 1, 2009
  number of students %
Total 22,035 4,329 26,364 100 100
N.L. 68 48 116 0.4 1.5
P.E.I. 67 0 67 0.3 0.4
N.S. 417 108 525 2.0 2.8
N.B. 471 152 623 2.4 2.2
Que. 1,082 739 1,821 6.9 23.2
Ont. 14,164 2,099 16,263 61.7 38.7
Man. 469 71 540 2.0 3.6
Sask. 498 246 744 2.8 3.1
Alta. 3,302 738 4,040 15.3 10.9
B.C. 1,450 116 1,566 5.9 13.3
Y.T. 30 0 30 0.1 0.1
N.W.T. 17 12 29 0.1 0.1
• There were no participants in Nunavut.
• It is useful to compare the population of students participating in Census at school with the Canadian population.
• The proportion of students in Ontario and Alberta is almost 50% more than the proportion of those provinces in the Canadian population.
• The proportion of students in Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Saskatchewan is almost equal to the proportion of these provinces in the Canadian population.
• Newfoundland and Labrador, Quebec and British Columbia would need more student participants.
Source: Statistics Canada, Census at School, 2010/2011.