Participation in Census at School, by province and territory

  Elementary Secondary All students All students Canadian population, July 1, 2009
  number of students %
Total 19 015 4 339 23 354 100 100
N.L. 38 24 62 0.3 1.5
P.E.I. 142 10 152 0.7 0.4
N.S. 493 119 612 2.6 2.8
N.B. 454 93 547 2.3 2.2
Que. 854 603 1 457 6.2 23.2
Ont. 12 905 2 257 15162 64.9 38.7
Man. 288 103 391 1.7 3.6
Sask. 322 310 632 2.7 3.1
Alta. 2 459 656 3 115 13.3 10.9
B.C. 1 050 164 1 214 5.2 13.3
Y.T. 0 0 0 0 0.1
N.W.T. 10 0 10 0.04 0.1
• There were no participants in Nunavut.
• It is useful to compare the population of students participating in Census at school with the Canadian population.
• The proportion of students in Ontario is almost 50% more than the proportion of those provinces in the Canadian population.
• The proportion of students in Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick is almost equal to the proportion of these provinces in the Canadian population.
• Newfoundland and Labrador, Quebec and British Columbia would need more student participants.
Source:  Census at School Canada, 2011/2012.