Primarily what type of water do you drink at home?


Province Type of water
Other type of water Tap water Bottled water
% % %
N.S. 13.98 66.77 20.15
N.B. 15.43 56.79 27.78
Que. 11.07 59.45 29.49
Ont. 21.09 56.15 22.75
Man. 27.58 49.23 23.20
Sask. 20.88 54.02 25.10
Alta. 29.42 50.99 19.60
B.C. 26.14 61.41 12.45
Other 12.68 70.42 16.90
Canada 21.36 56.04 22.60

Note : ‘Other’ includes Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, the Yukon and the Northwest Territories.

Source: Census at School Canada, 2013-2014.