Participation in Census at School, by province and territory


Elementary Secondary All students Percentage of Students
Canada 12087 2758 14845 100.0
N.L. 22 3 25 0.2
P.E.I. 28 0 28 0.2
N.S. 695 99 794 5.3
N.B. 71 82 153 1.0
Que. 255 305 560 3.8
Ont. 9359 1250 10609 71.5
Man. 166 48 214 1.4
Sask. 183 107 290 2.0
Alta. 1034 626 1660 11.2
B.C. 240 238 478 3.2
Nunavut 0 0 0 0.0
N.W.T. 12 0 12 0.1
Yukon 22 0 22 0.1


Source: Census at School Canada, 2016-2017