By math concept

Grades 4 – 8

Age: different units of time and estimation
Bar graphs
Bias: its effects on survey results
Circle graphs, pie charts
Comparing data and drawing conclusions
Conclusions you can or cannot make from a survey
Fractions, ratios, measurement
Investigating a question or hypothesis, use of graphs
Mean, median and mode
Percentages, estimation and forecasting
Scatter plots
Stem and leaf plots

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Grades 9 – 12

Analyzing data

Comparing two datasets on a phenomenon using frequency tables and graphs; identifying variables that influence the phenomenon
Examining a hypothesis by comparing data from two groups of respondents; Histograms, quartiles, standard deviations
Analyzing Canadian data on recycling and household environmental responsibility
Analyzing a time-use dataset
The effect of hidden variables on the analysis of different hypotheses; Outliers, maximum & minimum values, range, average, significant difference, contingency table, population, frequencies, anthropometric variable
Investigating a hypothesis
Measures of central tendency; Frequency tables and graphs; Extrapolations

Exploring relationships between variables

Scatter plots and lines of best fit; plotted manually
Scatter plots and lines of best fit created manually, then using technology; Line of best fit; median-median line method; Least squares regression method
Modelling data with linear functions using analytical software
How controlled variables and size of the sample affect whether or not a relationship exists between two variables


1. Variations in samples

  • Sample, population, mean, standard deviation, standard error of the mean
  • Histograms and frequency polygons
  • sample sizes

2. Confidence intervals