How much pressure do you feel because of schoolwork?

  None Very little Some A lot
N.L. 13.8 30.7 37.8 17.7
N.S. 11.5 28.2 41.3 18.9
N.B. 12.3 32.8 36.7 18.2
Que. 14.8 35.3 37.7 12.2
Ont. 11.7 30.7 39.9 17.7
Man. 16.4 37.2 35.0 11.4
Sask. 14.2 35.0 35.7 15.2
Alta. 12.9 33.4 37.3 16.4
B.C. 11.8 32.8 38.9 16.6
Note: There were too few responses in Prince Edward Island and in the territories to publish results.
Source: Statistics Canada, Census at School, 2006/2007.