Questionnaire – Grades 4 to 8 2010/2011

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Note: The Census at School project is also being carried out in other countries. The globe icon globedenotes the questions that are common to participating countries.

The province or territory of your school: (-----)

globe 1. Are you male or female?  (1-----)

globe2. When were you born? (2-----)month (2-----)day (2-----)year

globe3. In how many languages can you hold an everyday conversation?

• 1
• 2
• 3
• 4
• 5
• 6
• 7
• 8
• 9

globe4. How tall are you without your shoes on? Answer to the nearest half centimeter.(4-----) . (4-----) cm

globe5. What is your arm span? (Open arms wide and measure distance across your back from tip of right hand middle finger to tip of left hand middle finger.) Answer to the nearest half centimetre. (5-----) . (5-----) cm

globe6. What is the length of your right foot, without a shoe? Answer to the nearest half centimetre. (6-----) . (6-----) cm

7. What is the length of your right forearm, from your elbow bone to your wrist bone?Answer to the nearest half centimetre. (7-----) . (7-----) cm

8. What is your wrist circumference in millimetres?
 mm (1 cm = 10 mm)

9. What colour are your eyes?

• Blue
• Brown
• Green
• Other

10. Do you have allergies?

• Yes     • No

globe11. Are you right-handed, left-handed or ambidextrous? (An ambidextrous person is able to use their right and left hands equally well.)

• Right-handed
• Left-handed
• Ambidextrous

Note: The following question can only be answered using the online questionnaire.

globe12. Use your dominant hand to test your reaction time. Click “Start”. As soon as you see the symbol ∞ appear in the box, click “Stop”.

13. What do you usually have for breakfast? Check all that apply:

• Grain products: (e.g., bread, cereal, toast, muffin, bagel, rice, pasta)
• Milk products and alternatives: (e.g., milk, soy beverage, cheese, yogurt)
• Vegetables and fruits: (e.g., juice, bananas, oranges, carrots, tomatoes)
• Meat and alternatives: (e.g., eggs, bacon, chicken, peanut butter, beans)
• Other: (e.g., tea, coffee, pop, chips, cookies, donuts)
• No breakfast

globe14. In what sport or activity do you most enjoy participating?

• Athletics
• Baseball/Softball
• Basketball
• Bowling
• Cricket
• Cycling
• Dancing
• Football/Soccer
• Golf
• Gymnastics
• Hockey (Field)
• Hockey (Ice)
• Martial arts
• Netball
• Rowing
• Rugby Union
• Rugby League
• Running/Jogging
• Skateboarding/Rollerblading
• Swimming
• Table Tennis
• Tennis
• Walking/Hiking
• Other activities/sports
• None

globe15. What is the main method of travel that you typically use to get to school?Choose one.

• Walk
• Car
• Rail (Train, Tram, Subway)
• Bus
• Cycle
• Skateboard/Scooter/
• Boat
• Other

globe16. How long does it usually take you to travel to school?
Answer to the nearest minute.

(16-----) minutes

17. What is your favourite subject at school? Choose one.

• art
• English
• French
• social studies
• history
• geography
• math
• science
• computers
• music
• physical education
• other

18. Why do you think some kids bully others? Because they are…
Choose one:

• angry
• insecure
• mean
• jealous
• trying to be cool
• bored
• having family problems
• just looking for fun

19. Which of these methods do you most often use to communicate with your friends? Choose one:

• In person
• Telephone (landline)
• Cell phone
• Text Messaging
• E-mail
• Internet chat or MSN
• Myspace, Facebook, blog
• Other

20. Which of the following pets do you have? Check all that apply.

• bird
• cat
• dog
• fish
• gerbil
• guinea pig
• hamster
• rabbit
• reptile
• no pet
• other

21. If you had $1,000 to donate to a charity of your choice, what type of organization would you choose? Choose one.

• Arts, culture, sports (e.g., community centres, museums, sports teams, music programs)
• Health (e.g., cancer, AIDS, diabetes research)
• Religious (e.g., church or activities related to worship)
• Environment (e.g., saving forests, clean air, clean water)
• Wildlife, animals (e.g., endangered species, prevention of cruelty to animals)
• Education / Youth development (e.g., reading, literacy and skills training, after-school programs)
• International aid (e.g., disaster relief, health, education and food aid in poor countries)
• Other

22. Think about someone you most look up to. This could be someone you know personally or have read about or seen on T.V. From the list below, choose the category that best describes this person.

• Relative
• Actor
• Sportsperson
• Coach or club leader
• Business person
• Religious figure
• Politician
• Teacher
• Doctor or nurse
• Musician or singer
• Friend
• Community leader or elder
• Other

23. How important are the following issues to you? Use the sliders to mark the level of importance.

24. How many people usually live in your household* (your home)?
If you live in more than one home, answer for the one in which you spend the most time.
(24-----) Don’t forget to count yourself in!

* The term “household” is used in the Census of Canada to designate people who live together in the same home.

Note: The following 4 questions are about your home. If you live in more than one home, please answer for the one you chose in question 24.

25. Does your household participate in recycling?

Metal cans:
• Yes   • No   • Don’t know

• Yes   • No   • Don’t know

• Yes   • No   • Don’t know

26. Does your household separate any kitchen waste such as food scraps, coffee grinds, egg shells, etc. for composting? (These scraps can either be composted in your backyard or collected separately on garbage day.)

• Yes   • No   • Don’t know

27. Does your home have any energy saving compact fluorescent light bulbs?(These bulbs are often spiral shaped. They screw into regular sockets and can replace ordinary light bulbs.)

• Yes   • No   • Don’t know

28. What type of water do you primarily drink at home?

• Tap water (provided by the municipality or from a well)
• Bottled water
• Other

Note: The following question can only be answered using the online questionnaire.

29. How many books are there in your home?
There are usually about 40 books per metre of shelving. Do not include magazines, newspapers, or your schoolbooks. Choose one:

• 0 to 10 books
• 11 to 25 books
• 26 to 100 books
• 101 to 200 books
• 201 to 500 books
• More than 500 books

globe30. Test your memory. How quickly can you uncover all the pairs of pictures?Click on “Start” and then click on squares to uncover their pictures. Only pairs will remain uncovered. Keep clicking until you have uncovered all the pairs.