Category Archives: video-tutorials-students

Episode 7: Excel basics: Importing the data and editing the spreadsheet

Posted in video-tutorials-students, video-tutorials-teachers |

Episode 8: Using Excel to create bar graphs and circle graphs

Posted in video-tutorials-students, video-tutorials-teachers |

Episode 9: Using Excel to create scatter plots

Posted in video-tutorials-students, video-tutorials-teachers |

Episode 10: Graphing in Excel using pivot charts

Posted in video-tutorials-students, video-tutorials-teachers |

Episode 11: Using formulas in Excel to find the Mean, Median and Mode

Posted in video-tutorials-students, video-tutorials-teachers |

Episode 12: Importing the class results with TinkerPlots

Posted in video-tutorials-students, video-tutorials-teachers |

Episode 13: Using the class results with TinkerPlots

Posted in video-tutorials-students, video-tutorials-teachers |

Episode 14: Getting a random sample from the international site

Posted in video-tutorials-students, video-tutorials-teachers |

Episode 15: Importing an international random dataset into Fathom

Posted in video-tutorials-students, video-tutorials-teachers |

Episode 16: Using an international random dataset in Fathom

Posted in video-tutorials-students, video-tutorials-teachers |