- #7359 (no title)
- About the Census at School Project
- Census at School Canada
- Contact
- Data and Results
- Canadian summary results for 2003/2004
- Canadian summary results for 2004/2005
- Canadian summary results for 2005/2006
- Average armspan, by age
- Average height, by age
- Average length of foot, by age
- Average length of forearm, by age
- Average length of hand, by age
- Average ratio of certain body measurements, by age
- Average wrist circumference, by age
- Do you have allergies?
- Have you done anything to control your weight in the past year?
- How do you usually get to school?
- How long does it usually take you to travel to school?
- How many cigarettes a week do you usually smoke? (secondary students only)
- How many times have you been bullied at school in the last month?
- How much pressure do you feel because of schoolwork?
- If you had $1,000 to donate to charity, what type of organisation would you choose?
- Median number of hours per day spent doing certain activities (elementary students only)
- Median number of hours per week spent doing certain activities (secondary students only)
- Median reaction time
- Median reaction time (secondary students only)
- Number of people in your household
- On how many days last week did you do an intense physical activity?
- Participation in Census at School, by age
- Plans for the year after high school
- Right-handed, left-handed or ambidextrous?
- What colour are your eyes?
- What do you usually eat for breakfast?
- What gadgets do you have?
- What is the most important issue facing young Canadians today?
- What is your favourite physical activity?
- What is your favourite subject?
- What language do you most often speak at home?
- Which method do you use most often to communicate with friends?
- Which of the following pets do you have?
- Who do you look up to?
- Canadian summary results for 2006/2007
- Average arm span, by age
- Average height, by age
- Average length of foot, by age
- Average length of forearm, by age
- Average length of hand, by age
- Average number of hours per day spent doing certain activities
- Average number of hours per week spent doing certain activities
- Average ratio of certain body measurements, by age
- Average reaction time of elementary students
- Average reaction time of secondary students
- Average wrist circumference, by age
- Do you have allergies?
- Have you done anything to control your weight in the past year?
- How do you usually travel to school?
- How long does it usually take you to travel to school?
- How many cigarettes a week do you usually smoke?
- How many days last week did you do an intense physical activity?
- How many times have you been bullied at school in the last month?
- How much pressure do you feel because of schoolwork?
- If you had $1,000 to donate to charity, what type of organization would you choose?
- Number of people in your household
- Participation in Census at School, by age
- Right-handed, left-handed or ambidextrous?
- What colour are your eyes?
- What do you usually eat for breakfast?
- What gadgets do you have?
- What is the most important issue facing young Canadians today?
- What is your favourite physical activity?
- What is your favourite subject?
- What language do you most often speak at home?
- Which method do you use most often to communicate with friends?
- Which of the following pets do you have?
- Who do you look up to?
- Canadian summary results for 2007/2008
- Importance of reducing pollution, by age
- Average arm span, by age
- Average height, by age
- Average length of foot, by age
- Average length of forearm, by age
- Average reaction time, by age and dominant hand
- Average wrist circumference, by age
- Do you have allergies?
- Does your household participate in the following environmental practices?
- How do you usually travel to school?
- How long does it usually take you to travel to school?
- How many cigarettes a week do you usually smoke?
- How many days last week did you do an intense physical activity?
- How many people usually live in your household?
- How many times have you been bullied at school in the last month?
- How much pressure do you feel because of schoolwork?
- If you had $1,000 to donate to charity, what type of organization would you choose?
- Importance of conserving energy, by age
- Importance of conserving water, by age
- Importance of having access to the Internet, by age
- Importance of owning a computer, by age
- Importance of recycling our rubbish, by age
- In how many languages can you hold an everyday conversation?
- In what sport or activity do you most enjoy participating?
- Memory Game
- Participants in Census at School, by age
- Primarily what type of water do you drink at home?
- Right-handed, left-handed or ambidextrous?
- What colour are your eyes?
- What do you usually eat for breakfast?
- What is your favourite subject?
- Which method do you use most often to communicate with friends?
- Which of the following pets do you have?
- Whom do you look up to?
- Canadian summary results for 2008/2009
- Average arm span, by age
- Average height, by age
- Average length of foot, by age
- Average length of forearm, by age
- Average reaction time
- Average wrist circumference, by age
- Do you have allergies?
- Does your household participate in the following environmental practices?
- How do you usually travel to school?
- How long does it usually take you to travel to school?
- How many cigarettes a week do you usually smoke?
- How many days last week did you do an intense physical activity?
- How many people usually live in your household?
- How many times have you been bullied at school in the last month?
- How much pressure do you feel because of schoolwork?
- If you had $1,000 to donate to charity, what type of organization would you choose?
- Importance of conserving energy, by age
- Importance of conserving water, by age
- Importance of having access to the Internet, by age
- Importance of owning a computer, by age
- Importance of recycling our rubbish, by age
- Importance of reducing pollution, by age
- In how many languages can you hold an everyday conversation?
- In what sport or activity do you most enjoy participating?
- Memory game
- Participants in Census at School, by age
- Primarily what type of water do you drink at home?
- Right-handed, left-handed or ambidextrous?
- What colour are your eyes?
- What do you usually eat for breakfast?
- What is your favourite subject?
- Which method do you use most often to communicate with friends?
- Which of the following pets do you have?
- Whom do you look up to?
- Canadian summary results for 2009/2010
- Average arm span, by age
- Average height, by age
- Average length of foot, by age
- Average length of forearm, by age
- Average reaction time
- Average wrist circumference, by age
- Do you have allergies?
- Does your household participate in the following environmental practices?
- How do you usually travel to school?
- How long does it usually take you to travel to school?
- How many cigarettes a week do you usually smoke?
- How many days last week did you do an intense physical activity?
- How many people usually live in your household?
- How much pressure do you feel because of schoolwork?
- If you had $1,000 to donate to charity, what type of organization would you choose?
- Importance of conserving energy, by age
- Importance of conserving water, by age
- Importance of having access to the Internet, by age
- Importance of owning a computer, by age
- Importance of recycling our rubbish, by age
- Importance of reducing pollution, by age
- In how many languages can you hold an everyday conversation?
- In what sport or activity do you most enjoy participating?
- Memory game
- Participants in Census at School, by age
- Primarily what type of water do you drink at home?
- Right-handed, left-handed or ambidextrous?
- What colour are your eyes?
- What do you usually eat for breakfast?
- What is your favourite subject?
- Which method do you use most often to communicate with friends?
- Which of the following pets do you have?
- Whom do you look up to?
- Why do you think some kids bully others?
- Canadian summary results for 2010/2011
- Average arm span, by age
- Average height, by age
- Average length of foot, by age
- Average length of forearm, by age
- Average reaction time
- Average wrist circumference, by age
- Does your household participate in the following environmental practices?
- How do you usually travel to school?
- How long does it usually take you to travel to school?
- How many books are there in your home?
- How many cigarettes a week do you usually smoke?
- How many days last week did you do an intense physical activity?
- How many people usually live in your household?
- How much pressure do you feel because of schoolwork?
- If you had $1,000 to donate to charity, what type of organization would you choose?
- Importance of conserving energy, by age
- Importance of conserving water, by age
- Importance of having access to the Internet, by age
- Importance of owning a computer, by age
- Importance of recycling our rubbish, by age
- Importance of reducing pollution, by age
- In how many languages can you hold an everyday conversation?
- In what sport or activity do you most enjoy participating?
- Memory game
- Participation in Census at School, by age
- Primarily what type of water do you drink at home?
- Right-handed, left-handed or ambidextrous?
- What colour are your eyes? (elementary students only)
- What do you usually eat for breakfast?
- What is your favourite subject?
- Which method do you use most often to communicate with friends?
- Which of the following pets do you have?
- Whom do you look up to?
- Why do you think some kids bully others?
- Canadian summary results for 2011/2012
- Average arm span, by age
- Average height, by age
- Average length of foot, by age
- Average length of forearm, by age
- Average reaction time
- Average wrist circumference, by age
- Does your household participate in the following environmental practices?
- How do you usually travel to school?
- How long does it usually take you to travel to school?
- How many cigarettes a week do you usually smoke?
- How many days last week did you do an intense physical activity?
- How many people usually live in your household?
- How much pressure do you feel because of schoolwork?
- If you had $1,000 to donate to charity, what type of organization would you choose?
- Importance of conserving energy, by age
- Importance of conserving water, by age
- Importance of having access to the Internet, by age
- Importance of owning a computer, by age
- Importance of recycling our rubbish, by age
- Importance of reducing pollution, by age
- In how many languages can you hold an everyday conversation?
- In what sport or activity do you most enjoy participating?
- Memory game
- Participation in Census at School, by age
- Primarily what type of water do you drink at home?
- Right-handed, left-handed or ambidextrous?
- What colour are your eyes? (elementary students only)
- What do you usually eat for breakfast?
- What is your favourite subject?
- Which method do you use most often to communicate with friends?
- Which of the following pets do you have?
- Whom do you look up to?
- Why do you think some kids bully others?
- Canadian summary results for 2012/2013
- Participation in Census at School, by age
- Average wrist circumference, by age
- Average length of forearm, by age
- Average height, by age
- In how many languages can you hold an everyday conversation?
- Average arm span, by age
- Average length of foot, by age
- What colour are your eyes? (elementary students only)
- What do you usually eat for breakfast?
- Right-handed, left-handed or ambidextrous?
- Average reaction time
- How many cigarettes a week do you usually smoke?
- How much pressure do you feel because of schoolwork?
- In what sport or activity do you most enjoy participating?
- How many days last week did you do an intense physical activity?
- How do you usually travel to school?
- How long does it usually take you to travel to school?
- What is your favourite subject?
- Why do you think some kids bully others?
- Which of the following pets do you have?
- Which method do you use most often to communicate with friends?
- If you had $1,000 to donate to charity, what type of organization would you choose?
- Whom do you look up to?
- How many people usually live in your household?
- Does your household participate in the following environmental practices?
- Primarily what type of water do you drink at home?
- Importance of reducing pollution, by age
- Importance of recycling our rubbish, by age
- Importance of conserving water, by age
- Importance of conserving energy, by age
- Importance of owning a computer, by age
- Importance of having access to the Internet, by age
- Memory game
- Canadian summary results for 2013/2014
- Participation in Census at School, by age
- Average wrist circumference, by age
- Average length of forearm, by age
- Average height, by age
- In how many languages can you hold an everyday conversation?
- Average arm span, by age
- Average length of foot, by age
- What colour are your eyes? (elementary students only)
- What do you usually eat for breakfast?
- Right-handed, left-handed or ambidextrous?
- Average reaction time
- How many cigarettes a week do you usually smoke?
- How much pressure do you feel because of schoolwork?
- In what sport or activity do you most enjoy participating?
- How many days last week did you do an intense physical activity?
- How do you usually travel to school?
- How long does it usually take you to travel to school?
- What is your favourite subject?
- Why do you think some kids bully others?
- Which of the following pets do you have?
- Which method do you use most often to communicate with friends?
- If you had $1,000 to donate to charity, what type of organization would you choose?
- Whom do you look up to?
- How many people usually live in your household?
- Does your household participate in the following environmental practices?
- Primarily what type of water do you drink at home?
- Importance of reducing pollution, by age
- Importance of recycling our rubbish, by age
- Importance of conserving water, by age
- Importance of conserving energy, by age
- Importance of owning a computer, by age
- Importance of having access to the Internet, by age
- Memory game
- Canadian summary results for 2014/2015
- Participation in Census at School, by age
- Average wrist circumference, by age
- Average length of forearm, by age
- Average height, by age
- In how many languages can you hold an everyday conversation?
- Average arm span, by age
- Average length of foot, by age
- What colour are your eyes? (elementary students only)
- What do you usually eat for breakfast?
- Right-handed, left-handed or ambidextrous?
- Average reaction time
- How many cigarettes a week do you usually smoke?
- How much pressure do you feel because of schoolwork?
- In what sport or activity do you most enjoy participating?
- How many days last week did you do an intense physical activity?
- How do you usually travel to school?
- How long does it usually take you to travel to school?
- What is your favourite subject?
- Why do you think some kids bully others?
- Which of the following pets do you have?
- Which method do you use most often to communicate with friends?
- If you had $1,000 to donate to charity, what type of organization would you choose?
- Whom do you look up to?
- How many people usually live in your household?
- Does your household participate in the following environmental practices?
- Primarily what type of water do you drink at home?
- Importance of reducing pollution, by age
- Importance of recycling our rubbish, by age
- Importance of conserving water, by age
- Importance of conserving energy, by age
- Importance of owning a computer, by age
- Importance of having access to the Internet, by age
- Memory game
- Canadian summary results for 2015/2016
- Participation in Census at School, by age
- Average wrist circumference, by age
- Average length of forearm, by age
- Average height, by age
- In how many languages can you hold an everyday conversation?
- Average arm span, by age
- Average length of foot, by age
- What colour are your eyes? (elementary students only)
- What do you usually eat for breakfast?
- Right-handed, left-handed or ambidextrous?
- Average reaction time
- How many cigarettes a week do you usually smoke?
- How much pressure do you feel because of schoolwork?
- In what sport or activity do you most enjoy participating?
- How many days last week did you do an intense physical activity?
- How do you usually travel to school?
- How long does it usually take you to travel to school?
- What is your favourite subject?
- Why do you think some kids bully others?
- Which of the following pets do you have?
- Which method do you use most often to communicate with friends?
- If you had $1,000 to donate to charity, what type of organization would you choose?
- Whom do you look up to?
- How many people usually live in your household?
- Does your household participate in the following environmental practices?
- Primarily what type of water do you drink at home?
- Importance of reducing pollution, by age
- Importance of recycling our rubbish, by age
- Importance of conserving water, by age
- Importance of conserving energy, by age
- Importance of owning a computer, by age
- Importance of having access to the Internet, by age
- Memory game
- Canadian summary results for 2016/2017
- Participation in Census at School, by age
- Average wrist circumference, by age
- Average length of forearm, by age
- Average height, by age
- In how many languages can you hold an everyday conversation?
- Average arm span, by age
- Average length of foot, by age
- What colour are your eyes? (elementary students only)
- Do you have any allergies? (elementary students only)
- What do you usually eat for breakfast?
- Right-handed, left-handed or ambidextrous?
- Average reaction time
- How many cigarettes a week do you usually smoke?
- How much pressure do you feel because of schoolwork?
- In what sport or activity do you most enjoy participating?
- How many days last week did you do an intense physical activity?
- How do you usually travel to school?
- How long does it usually take you to travel to school?
- What is your favourite subject?
- Why do you think some kids bully others?
- Which of the following pets do you have?
- Which method do you use most often to communicate with friends?
- If you had $1,000 to donate to charity, what type of organization would you choose?
- Whom do you look up to?
- How many people usually live in your household?
- Does your household participate in the following environmental practices?
- Primarily what type of water do you drink at home?
- Importance of reducing pollution, by age
- Importance of recycling our rubbish, by age
- Importance of conserving water, by age
- Importance of conserving energy, by age
- Importance of owning a computer, by age
- Importance of having access to the Internet, by age
- Memory game
- Canadian summary results for 2017/2018
- Average arm span, by age
- Average height, by age
- Average length of foot, by age
- Average length of forearm, by age
- Average reaction time
- Average wrist circumference, by age
- Do you have any allergies? (elementary students only)
- Does your household participate in the following environmental practices?
- How do you usually travel to school?
- How long does it usually take you to travel to school?
- How many cigarettes a week do you usually smoke?
- How many days last week did you do an intense physical activity?
- How many people usually live in your household?
- How much pressure do you feel because of schoolwork?
- If you had $1,000 to donate to charity, what type of organization would you choose?
- Importance of conserving energy, by age
- Importance of conserving water, by age
- Importance of having access to the Internet, by age
- Importance of owning a computer, by age
- Importance of recycling our rubbish, by age
- Importance of reducing pollution, by age
- In how many languages can you hold an everyday conversation?
- In what sport or activity do you most enjoy participating?
- Memory game
- Participation in Census at School, by age
- Primarily what type of water do you drink at home?
- Right-handed, left-handed or ambidextrous?
- What colour are your eyes? (elementary students only)
- What do you usually eat for breakfast?
- What is your favourite subject?
- Which method do you use most often to communicate with friends?
- Which of the following pets do you have?
- Whom do you look up to?
- Why do you think some kids bully others?
- Canadian summary results for 2018/2019
- Average arm span, by age
- Average height, by age
- Average length of foot, by age
- Average length of forearm, by age
- Average reaction time, by age and dominant hand
- Average wrist circumference, by age
- Do you have any allergies? (elementary students only)
- Does your household participate in the following environmental practices?
- How do you usually travel to school?
- How long does it usually take you to travel to school?
- How many cigarettes a week do you usually smoke?
- How many days last week did you do an intense physical activity?
- How many people usually live in your household?
- How much pressure do you feel because of schoolwork?
- If you had $1,000 to donate to charity, what type of organization would you choose?
- Importance of conserving energy, by age
- Importance of conserving water, by age
- Importance of having access to the Internet, by age
- Importance of owning a computer, by age
- Importance of recycling our rubbish, by age
- Importance of reducing pollution, by age
- In how many languages can you hold an everyday conversation?
- In what sport or activity do you most enjoy participating?
- Memory game
- Participation in Census at School, by age
- Primarily what type of water do you drink at home?
- Right-handed, left-handed or ambidextrous?
- What colour are your eyes? (elementary students only)
- What do you usually eat for breakfast?
- What is your favourite subject?
- Which method do you use most often to communicate with friends?
- Which of the following pets do you have?
- Whom do you look up to?
- Why do you think some kids bully others?
- Canadian summary results for 2019/2020
- Average arm span, by age
- Average height, by age
- Average length of foot, by age
- Average length of forearm, by age
- Average reaction time, by age and dominant hand
- Average wrist circumference, by age
- Do you have any allergies? (elementary students only)
- Does your household participate in the following environmental practices?
- How do you usually travel to school?
- How long does it usually take you to travel to school?
- How many cigarettes a week do you usually smoke?
- How many days last week did you do an intense physical activity?
- How many people usually live in your household?
- How much pressure do you feel because of schoolwork?
- If you had $1,000 to donate to charity, what type of organization would you choose?
- Importance of conserving energy, by age
- Importance of conserving water, by age
- Importance of having access to the Internet, by age
- Importance of owning a computer, by age
- Importance of recycling our rubbish, by age
- Importance of reducing pollution, by age
- In how many languages can you hold an everyday conversation?
- In what sport or activity do you most enjoy participating?
- Memory game
- Participation in Census at School, by age
- Primarily what type of water do you drink at home?
- Right-handed, left-handed or ambidextrous?
- What colour are your eyes? (elementary students only)
- What do you usually eat for breakfast?
- What is your favourite subject?
- Which method do you use most often to communicate with friends?
- Which of the following pets do you have?
- Whom do you look up to?
- Why do you think some kids bully others?
- Canadian Summary Results for 2020/2021
- Average arm span, by age
- Average height, by age
- Average length of foot, by age
- Average length of forearm, by age
- Average reaction time, by age and dominant hand
- Average wrist circumference, by age
- Do you have any allergies? (elementary students only)
- Does your household participate in the following environmental practices?
- How do you usually travel to school?
- How long does it usually take you to travel to school?
- How many cigarettes a week do you usually smoke?
- How many days last week did you do an intense physical activity?
- How many people usually live in your household?
- How much pressure do you feel because of schoolwork?
- If you had $1,000 to donate to charity, what type of organization would you choose?
- Importance of conserving energy, by age
- Importance of conserving water, by age
- Importance of having access to the Internet, by age
- Importance of owning a computer, by age
- Importance of recycling our rubbish, by age
- Importance of reducing pollution, by age
- In how many languages can you hold an everyday conversation?
- In what sport or activity do you most enjoy participating?
- Memory game
- Participation in Census at School, by age
- Primarily what type of water do you drink at home?
- Right-handed, left-handed or ambidextrous?
- What colour are your eyes? (elementary students only)
- What do you usually eat for breakfast?
- What is your favourite subject?
- Which method do you use most often to communicate with friends?
- Which of the following pets do you have?
- Whom do you look up to?
- Why do you think some kids bully others?
- Canadian Summary Results for 2021/2022
- Average arm span, by age
- Average height, by age
- Average length of foot, by age
- Average length of forearm, by age
- Average reaction time, by age and dominant hand
- Average wrist circumference, by age
- Do you have any allergies? (elementary students only)
- Does your household participate in the following environmental practices?
- How do you usually travel to school?
- How long does it usually take you to travel to school?
- How many cigarettes a week do you usually smoke?
- How many days last week did you do an intense physical activity?
- How many people usually live in your household?
- How much pressure do you feel because of schoolwork?
- If you had $1,000 to donate to charity, what type of organization would you choose?
- Importance of conserving energy, by age
- Importance of conserving water, by age
- Importance of having access to the Internet, by age
- Importance of owning a computer, by age
- Importance of recycling our rubbish, by age
- Importance of reducing pollution, by age
- In how many languages can you hold an everyday conversation?
- In what sport or activity do you most enjoy participating?
- Memory game
- Participation in Census at School, by age
- Primarily what type of water do you drink at home?
- Right-handed, left-handed or ambidextrous?
- What colour are your eyes? (elementary students only)
- What do you usually eat for breakfast?
- What is your favourite subject?
- Which method do you use most often to communicate with friends?
- Which of the following pets do you have?
- Whom do you look up to?
- Why do you think some kids bully others?
- Highlights from the 2005/2006 results
- Provinces & Territories
- Summary results for the provinces and territories 2004/2005
- Summary results for the provinces and territories 2005/2006
- Summary results for the provinces and territories, 2006/2007
- Summary results for the provinces and territories, 2007/2008
- Summary results for the provinces and territories, 2008/2009
- Summary results for the provinces and territories, 2009/2010
- Summary results for the provinces and territories, 2010/2011
- Summary results for the provinces and territories, 2011/2012
- Summary results for the provinces and territories, 2012/2013
- Summary results for the provinces and territories, 2013/2014
- Summary results for the provinces and territories, 2014/2015
- Summary results for the provinces and territories, 2015/2016
- Summary results for the provinces and territories, 2016/2017
- Summary results for the provinces and territories, 2017/2018
- Summary results for the provinces and territories, 2018/2019
- Summary results for the provinces and territories, 2019/2020
- Summary results for the provinces and territories, 2020/2021
- Summary results for the provinces and territories, 2021/2022
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